
On Friday, November 27, 2020, the two experts from the E-Commerce Institute Cologne Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel and Robin Kracht were guests at the Online Fokus Conference Marketing. Here, the two shared exciting insights on the topic “Progressive Web Apps – Gamechanger or Hype?”. You couldn’t be at the conference? No problem. Watch the video summary now!

Merry Christmas and here’s to a new successful e-commerce year 2021! As the E-Commerce Institute Cologne, we look back on a successful year 2020, full of growth, successful (online) appearances and exciting insights. We thank you and wish you happy holidays and good health for the coming year 2021!

On Friday, November 27, 2020, the two experts from the E-Commerce Institute Cologne Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel and Robin Kracht were guests at the Online Fokus Conference Marketing. Here, the two shared exciting insights on the topic “Progressive Web Apps – Gamechanger or Hype?”. You couldn’t be at the conference? No problem. Get some first impressions here and look forward to the video summary on 12/29/20.

For years aye4fin and the E-Commerce Institut Köln (ECI) have been supporting companies active in e-commerce with business model analyses, concept development and strategy finding. Now the consulting firm and the research institute want to offer their customers and partners an even better service through a strategic partnership and joint expertise. Thus, aye4fin’s customers can use the ECI’s research capacities, while the ECI’s contributors benefit from the ECI’s long-standing expertise and practice-oriented customer examples.

Eating a frog to improve your own time management? Fortunately, not everything has to be taken literally. In fact, the Eat the Frog principle is now widely used in time management and enjoys great popularity. This is because it offers a remedy for a large and frequent problem: The distraction, postponement and ultimately doing nothing. I’ll do that later… I have other things to do… Something came up… The day is over, except for a few small things, nothing is done and stress and pressure continue to grow for the next few days. In order to escape this cycle, maybe only one thing helps: Eat the Frog…

Finally the time has come: the 2nd edition of the successful issue “Key factors in e-commerce” is now available. Prof. Dr. Richard C. Geibel and Robin Kracht from the E-Commerce Institute have revised and updated the work together. Secure your edition as eBook or softcover here!

The Online Focus Conference Marketing started at the beginning of the week! Until Friday, November 27, 2020, experience trend-setting topics, presentations at the highest level and a lively exchange with the speakers and other participants. The renowned speakers will provide you with practical solutions to problems concerning the burning issues in marketing and communication. This Friday, our E-Commerce Institute experts Richard Geibel and Robin Kracht will be there! Be there for free!

On the two action days Black Friday on 27 November and Cyber Monday on 30 November, German retailers will generate sales of around 3.7 billion euros this year. Compared to the previous year, this represents an increase of 18 percent. This is the forecast of the German Retail Association (HDE). Richard Geibel, head of the E-Commerce Institute Cologne was a guest in the pressetext interview on this topic. Read the published article here.

Web de Cologne das Netzwerk der rheinischen Digitalwirtschaft blickt zurück auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr. Mit über 22 eigenen Veranstaltungen und über 800 angemeldeten Teilnehmern konnte der Aktivitätsgrad des Netzwerkes auch in der Corona-Zeit hochgehalten werden. In diesem Jahr sind bisher 6 neue Unternehmen Mitglied des Netzwerks geworden – somit haben sich insgesamt 110 Unternehmen im Web de Cologne e.V. zusammengeschlossen. Am 10.11.2020 fand die Web de Cologne e.V. Mitgliederversammlung statt. Lesen Sie hier die neue Pressemitteilung.

Due to the current situation, the next Startup Breakfast on November 18th will again take place virtually. Network with the start-up community at this high-energy breakfast networking format – powered by Web de Cologne e.V. and in cooperation with great partners. Sign up and be part of it!

With the increasing number of infections in the corona pandemic, the demands on us as a university are also increasing. We take the situation very seriously and respond with all necessary measures, wherever and whenever necessary, in accordance with the specifications of the state authorities. Because the health of everyone – yours and that of the university staff* – must come first. As a university, we bear a great responsibility for this. Watch the current video message from the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Tobias Engelsleben, about the measures taken at HS Fresenius.

Be part of the WdC Morning Talk this week live via Zoom! The Morning Talk is a short networking format of 30 minutes duration. It offers weekly opportunities for discussion and exchange with leading industry representatives. This week with Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel and Carsten Fiedler, editor-in-chief of the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

Performance is about more than just numbers. But what are the KPIs really measuring? The new article from Harvard Business Review by Graham Kenny gives more insight into the topic about leadership and managing people digital.

At the beginning of the new winter semester in the successful, international Master’s program in Digital Management, we are pleased to welcome the namesake and Honorary President of the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Mr. Ludwig Fresenius, in our first lecture. Mr. Fresenius reported from his rich, entrepreneurial experience and gave the students valuable tips and advice for their Master’s studies and their subsequent professional career. We are already looking forward to celebrating the 175th anniversary of the university with Mr. Fresenius in 2023.

The essential shows how digital innovations, customer centricity, economies of scale and data driven marketing lead to sustainable customer relationships and competitive advantages in e-commerce. To this end, the four key factors in e-commerce are presented in detail. Readers receive fundamental impulses for the realignment of business models, the design of growth processes and the achievement of sustainable earnings. The essential goes beyond the usual list of operational to-dos and points out factors that help digital technologies and e-commerce to have a disruptive effect. 

The US internet company Amazon from Seattle has developed into the number one in European and American e-commerce over the last decade. Every day, millions of parcels from the globally operating warehouses make their way to customers.
The counterpart comes from China and is called Alibaba. The online retailer with headquarters in Hangzhou is known in this country primarily for its online platforms Aliexpress, Taobao and the online payment system Alipay. But how did the two megacorporations develop during the Corona Pandemic?

New App “Köln Duell” – Here you can find lessons in the Cologne way of life   Cologne – Where is Karl-Berbuer-Platz? What is it about carnival? What is actually no question for seasoned Cologners is sometimes a problem for new Cologners. Like Robin Kracht (25) and Christian Paland (25), graduates of the course of studies digital management at the university Fresenius and programmer olive Sunday (24). “We all three do not come from Cologne and did not understand, why Karneval is so popular and the people Kölsch and no other beer drink. The three, which came from Paderborn and Aachen to the study to Cologne, did not understand the one or other Cologners at the beginning. Because of the dialect. “Cologners are local patriots!” Out of their irritation, the three graduates have now made a job and in return have delved deeply into the peculiarities of the Cologne way of life and history. Together they have developed an app called “Köln Duell”, which contains more than 2300 questions on topics from the areas of history, culture, entertainment, gastronomy and carnival. “It’s the most Cologne app ever,” says Kracht with a smile, “so it should work on the market. “The …

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Driving into town to go shopping, looking through the shelves or rushing into a shop without queuing is currently not possible for many people through Corona. But what impact does this have on the retail trade? Prof. Geibel as a guest at BR 3.