Author: Annalena Sommer

Event International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021: Participant numbers on the rise

International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021: Participant numbers on the rise

Digital Management in Times of the Covid 19 Pandemic and Beyond On November 12, 2021, East European University (Georgia) together with its partner Hochschule Fresenius (Germany) will organize the International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021. The aim is: To evaluate the Covid 19 pandemic and post-pandemic environment and to identify opportunities for digital management. The focus will …

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General Digital Markets Act could harm European small businesses

Digital Markets Act could harm European small businesses

How the Digital Markets Act could unwittingly hurt European small businesses  A policy analysis informed by the Catalyst Research Digital Markets Act Working Group  Digital business transformation has been underway for more than a decade. However, it became an urgent matter during the COVID-19 pandemic when many restaurants, retail stores, and offices were forced to shut …

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General Information technology trends: Digital solutions in pharmacies

Information technology trends: Digital solutions in pharmacies

Self-checkout in pharmacies: with new digital recipes for success They are part of a larger change in appearance and product portfolio: Digital solutions are intended to help ensure that stationary pharmacies continue to be perceived as attractive institutions in the future. These tools include payment terminals for self-checkout. The new article in the retail magazine …

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General Gründen ist auch Frauensache: The event series continues!

Gründen ist auch Frauensache: The event series continues!

“Gründen ist auch Frauensache”: The event series of the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences There are still fewer women than men who dare to start their own business. Still only 15.1 % of the founders are women. Many different theses are put forward for this: “Women are more cautious”, “Women prefer to start a family. …

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Entrepreneurship Zaunkönig: A new player in a “crazy market“

Zaunkönig: A new player in a “crazy market“

Even before the pitch, the lions were overflowing with superlatives about the gaming market. The backdrop of the start-up Zaunkönig left no doubt as to what the pitch would be about. But such an exciting market also harbours dangers, as became clear a little later. So even a start-up in the gaming sector has to …

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Digital Management Research Plus on the topic of e-commerce

Research Plus on the topic of e-commerce

E-Commerce Institute visits Research Plus   Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel and Robin Kracht from the E-Commerce Institute will talk about “Progressive Web Apps” on Wednesday, June 9 at 18:30. In this article you will already learn exciting info! Join here for free!   E-commerce is booming – and has been for a long time, but …

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General FGF won as partner of the International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021

FGF won as partner of the International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021

FGF – the largest association of scientists from the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation   The International Scientific-Practical Conference will take place on November 12, 2021. For this purpose the FGF (Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V.) could be won as a renowned partner!   The FGF is the leading and most member-strong scientific association for entrepreneurship, innovation …

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General Reputable partner won for ISPC 2021

Reputable partner won for ISPC 2021

FGF is partner of the International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021 The International Scientific-Practical Conference will take place on November 12, 2021. The FGF could now also be won as a partner for this event. The FGF (Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung) is the leading and most member-strong scientific association for entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs in the German-speaking region, which …

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Entrepreneurship Primoza: Everything fits but with no investor #DHDL

Primoza: Everything fits but with no investor #DHDL

Founders often think that if they don’t get investment, they did something “wrong” in the pitch or in the negotiation. But as the case of Primoza with its “growing calendar” shows, this is not necessarily the case, because sometimes it just doesn’t fit. For one it might be the sales channels, for another the topic …

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General Steadify: It won’t work without numbers #DHDL

Steadify: It won’t work without numbers #DHDL

The start was good, the portable tripod was particularly well received by amateur photographer Dagmar Wöhrl. The Q&A session also got off to a promising start, but then the talk turned to the figures and the dream of a lion deal was shattered. The founders were surprised by the details of the questions. But did …

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General Research plus online on June 9 – The E-Commerce Institute is participating!

Research plus online on June 9 – The E-Commerce Institute is participating!

Regional evenings for people interested in online research Sharing innovative research ideas Research plus is a regional event series that gives online researchers the opportunity to learn about and exchange innovative research ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Research plus is organized on a volunteer basis, is non-commercial, and free for visitors after prior registration. The …

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General MyEy: A market too niche or a really exciting market after all #DHDL

MyEy: A market too niche or a really exciting market after all #DHDL

The big plan: to finally send chicken on permanent holiday, to abolish battery cages as far as possible. But at first things didn’t look so good for master confectioner and baker Chris Geiser. The taste of his vegan egg substitute was not really convincing as a fried egg. Dr. Georg Kofler then thought the market …

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Career Skills4School shows that entrepreneurs can be found everywhere #DHDL

Skills4School shows that entrepreneurs can be found everywhere #DHDL

When investors are really impressed by a founder, the phrase “That’s a good founder” often comes up. But what exactly do they mean by that, and, more importantly, how do you get them to talk like that about you? Skills4Schools founder Rubin Lind embodies one of Eric Ries’ (“Lean Startup”) most important pieces of start-up …

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  Kimberly Hoffmann, a student at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, Germany, wrote a guest lecture about the valuable experiences she had through the TAVEC project. The original article can be found here and here! You can find more information about the project of the two universities in our last articles: What …

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Digital Management The “Trans-Atlantic Student Conference” 2021

The “Trans-Atlantic Student Conference” 2021

The TAVEC Project of HS Fresenius and Adelphi University: “Digital Disrupters and Change Makers” TAVEC, the new project between the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne and Adelphi University in New York lets their students come together virtually! What exactly does TAVEC mean? And how do the students from Cologne and New York work …

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Digital Management The TAVEC Project of HS Fresenius and Adelphi University

The TAVEC Project of HS Fresenius and Adelphi University

Virtual collaboration in times of COVID-19 TAVEC, the new project between the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne and Adelphi University in New York lets their students come together virtually! But what exactly is TAVEC? And how do the students from Cologne and New York work together?   TAVEC – “Trans-Atlantic Virtual Exchange and …

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Event Digital Management in Covid 19 Pandemic and Post-pandemic times

Digital Management in Covid 19 Pandemic and Post-pandemic times

International Scientific-practical Conference 2021 On 12. November 2021 East European University (Georgia) along with its partner Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences (Germany) organizes joint Online International Scientific-Practical Conference. We are delighted to invite you to this exciting conference!   Head of the Conference Organizing Committee: – Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel, Hochschule Fresenius University of …

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General Digital Customer Engagement – The “diCE-Model” of HS Fresenius and ORT

Digital Customer Engagement – The “diCE-Model” of HS Fresenius and ORT

Successful sales in times of Corona and beyond Sales in the age of Corona are undergoing major changes. What is the current status and what are the solutions?   Everything is no longer the way it was before COVID-19 Due to Corona, the entire world population was confronted with an unpredictable situation and had to …

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