Digital Health
In a collaboration between Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel and Dr. Ulrich Arnold, the editing of a current anthology on the relevant topic “Digital Health in Germany” is currently underway. The international academic publisher Springer Nature will publish this volume in its German format, Springer Gabler. Below, we provide you with some important information and framework data as a preview.

1. Positioning
The book provides a strategic overview of the comprehensive potentials of digitization in the healthcare sector in Germany, as well as the significant opportunities associated with the digital transformation in this important sector. It analyzes the different areas of digital health and examines their possibilities for making the healthcare system more effective and efficient. The opportunities brought about by the use of rapidly growing technologies are systematically examined and critically reflected upon regarding their impact on the German healthcare system. Finally, concrete recommendations for shaping the future of digital health in Germany are provided. Legal, ethical, social, and medical aspects are also addressed but are not the primary focus.
On a higher, strategic level, the influence of digitization on the overall development or situation in the current healthcare system is systematically examined and transparently presented. Starting from a critical assessment, the potential of digitization for various areas of the healthcare system in Germany, such as health insurance companies, hospitals, nursing facilities, etc., is illuminated. In particular, the rapidly growing digital technologies lead to new and expanded possibilities and options that must be used for the benefit of patients and the improvement of the healthcare system.
2. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
To differentiate our work from similar publications, we choose the following USPs:
2.1 It describes strategic solution concepts for the German healthcare system.
2.2 It outlines the potentials of digitization for improving the healthcare system.
2.3 It explains the benefits of digital transformation for digital health.
3. Target Audience
The planned anthology is primarily aimed at the executive level and political decision-makers in the German healthcare system. The intended target audience is predominantly healthcare management, i.e., it targets decision-makers in business, politics, and society. Additionally, the work is also aimed at scientists and students who want an overview of the current status of digitization implementation in healthcare.
4. Articles
For your contribution, including references, you have 10-15 pages available.
5. Timeline
We plan to assign you the months of March, April, May, and June. Therefore, you should send us your completed manuscript in June – preferably early June. Furthermore, you should send us your article concept (abstract and outline) in April.
6. Review
Once a manuscript is available, the editors will conduct a review in June and July. This is aimed at achieving a consistent appearance and the most homogeneous use of terms and definitions.
7. Publisher
After we have sent the entire work digitally to the publisher, the book will be published and released in the market after approximately three to four months.
Best regards from the editors,
Ulrich Arnold, Günter Wältermann, and Richard Geibel