A review of the ISPC 2023
The organizing committee of ISPC 2023 would like to thank you for your great commitment and the high quality of your contributions. The ISPC 2023 has been very successful as an international conference across the three continents Asia, Europe and America and this is especially thanks to you!
We not only had very good contributions from professors from all countries but fortunately also many young scientists who have just completed their academic master’s degree. For example, four former students and current Master’s graduates were particularly committed speakers. My thanks go to Victoria Frings, Ode Plädtke, Luisa Schönig and Lacin Ates – you did an excellent job and we wish you continued great (academic) success.
We have learned a lot in Session II of ISPC 2023 from a wide range of industries and seen how digitalization is progressing.
- Judge Dr. Jan Bauman spoke for his colleagues Dr. Christian Schlicht and Mia Alikhah particularly vividly and professionally about digitalization in the legal system.
- My highly esteemed colleague at the IU, Prof. Jonas Polfuß, enlightened us on how we can supposedly get rich quick.
- Dr. Ulrich Arnold, Managing Director of gkvi with 1,000 employees who are responsible for 17 million people with health insurance, gave us two very interesting presentations on the world of the healthcare market.
- Noah Bilski from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, together with Ruth Geibel, gave us a deep insight into the connection between sustainability and digitalization to make the world a better place.
- Manuel Etzkorn from the University of Koblenz showed us with Prof. Harry von Korflesch a very helpful reference model in the field of Industry 4.0.
- Prof. Charles Baker from Adelphi University gave us an insight into the digitalization of accounting firms despite the time difference and the Thanksgiving weekend in USA.
- Vicci Frings worked intensively in her master’s thesis on the topic of social commerce, which was first presented during ISPC 2021 with Robin Kracht and has developed enormously in the meantime.
- Ode Plädtke focused on the important topic of AI in the idea generation phase of the innovation process.
- Luisa Schönig took an in-depth look at hybrid working models and analyzed the Success Factor performance.
- Lacin Ates conducted a study on the influence of cultural differences in consumer behavior and reported on it in an exciting way.
The other presentations in Sessions I and III were also very well-founded and convincing.
The certificates of participation in the ISPC 2023 as well as the “Best Paper Certificates” and the “Young Scientist Certificates” will be sent out by the EE University shortly.
A special high light for me was that I was awarded the academic honor of “Professor Honoris Causa (Prof. h.c.)” by the Presidential Board of the East European University. After several years of intensive collaboration in the context of lectures and international conferences, this is a special mark of appreciation that is very important to me! Many thanks to the Rector of the EEU, the Vice-Rectors, the Deans of the individual faculties and all the other people involved. I really appreciate that!
I was also particularly pleased that MaryAnne Hyland, Dean of Robert B. Willumstad School of Business at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York, USA, took part in the academic appointment process via Zoom. As we have already met in person several times in Cologne and in Garden City, this is worth a lot to me!
The Proceedings of the ISPC 2023 will be published by Springer Nature, just like the Proceedings of the ISPC 2021 and 2022, and will appear in the “Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (SPBE)” series. These now over 70 contributions are SCOPUS-indexed and a valuable addition to any scientist’s publications list.
The Organizing Committee of the ISPC has decided that the next ISPC 2024 will take place in Cologne, Germany in October 2024 and it deals with the important topic Digital Management and Artificial Intelligence. We are already looking forward to the upcoming annual conference and will issue the “Call for Papers (CfP)” for the ISPC 2024 before Christmas.

For today, the organizers of the ISPC 2023 would like to thank all those involved who made this wonderful success in Tbilisi, Georgia possible, especially Georg, David, Shalva, Zviad, Tea, Rasudan, Vladimir, Vasil, Tamta, Teona, Tatia, Vicci, Alina, Robin et al. as well as all the authors and the translators.
See also the description of the ISPC 2023 on the website of the partner institution “East European University”.