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Theses on e-commerce topics

As a professor at a University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Geibel regularly supervises theses on e-commerce topics in the Business Administration, Media Management, Logistics and Entrepreneurship degree programs. If you would like some non-binding advice on the topics suggested here, on how to find a topic and on how to write a thesis, just use the comment function at the end of this article or write an email. An overview of the supervision procedure can also be found at the end of the post.

Theses can also be written in cooperation with companies. The companies can propose their own topic and provide a company representative as second supervisor of the thesis. Prof. Geibel has had very good experience with this configuration and is happy to put companies and students in touch with each other.An overview of topics already worked on and suggested topics can be found in this article. Please send requests for theses to: geibel (at)

In this article you will get information about theses on e-commerce topics

For students but also for companies who would like to have a topic worked on as part of a thesis, the following list of topics for future theses could be inspiring:

Suggested topics for theses:

The following thesis topics provide a brief overview of topics from previous semesters to help with the topic formulation.

Elaborated topics of final theses:

Published theses:

Learn more about these successful theses from our alumni:

Procedure of supervision for final theses

Based on the experience of many successful theses, the following procedure has been established for the supervision of theses:

Beyond the topics suggested here, both students and companies can make their own suggestions, for which Prof. Geibel will be happy to consider realization. Suggestions are best sent to info (at)