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ISPC 2023: Successful registrations and deadline extension

With more than 20 qualified submissions, the preparations for the International Scientific-Practical Conference (ISPC) 2023 have already started off on a very positive note. Once again, the ISPC is being organized by the East European University in collaboration with the E-Commerce Institute Cologne. The aim is to provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of relevant aspects of digitization. Particularly this year, the theme of “Digital Management for Shaping the Future” requires an intensive discourse in the post-pandemic era. For these reasons, the submission deadline has been extended until August 1, 2023.

The increasing international interest in the conference is also reflected in the growth of valuable partnerships. In addition to the existing prominent names such as the “East European University“, the “Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung” as a financial supporter, and the “FGF” (Entrepreneurship Research Association) as the leading and largest scientific association for entrepreneurship, innovation, and small businesses, the “Adelphi University” from the USA has now joined as well.

Beyond the opportunity to network with doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, scholars, and practitioners from various universities and organizations, the ISPC 2023 offers additional outstanding perspectives for participants: the committee selects exceptional scientific contributions that reflect the relevance and best outcomes of the event. These contributions are subsequently published free of charge in the conference proceedings by Springer Nature.

With the extension of the submission deadline, interested individuals still have a unique chance to become part of ISPC 2023. To do so, they should submit a one-pager by August 1, 2023, and a full paper by September 1. For further information, please refer to our latest blog posts or review the participation requirements in the conference booklet. To register, please send the completed application form and your abstract to

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or +

We continue to welcome numerous scientific submissions to enrich the international and interdisciplinary conference with stimulating discussions.