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How to prepare for the future of work

Zukunft der Arbeit


Yesterday’s models are not up to the challenges of today. Without a bold new approach for tomorrow, companies will not survive.

The challenge – and the opportunity – for companies

Talent shortages, digital innovation, and evidence of the effectiveness of remote work have brought to light an uncomfortable reality: companies, by and large, rely on outdated models and outmoded ways of working. Employees expect more. Customers do, too. In this environment, companies must fight multiple battles to attract and retain talent, keep pace with accelerating change, and meet customers’ needs.

A rare opportunity

Business leaders need to rethink how their organizations are structured, how their people work and how they lead themselves. The good news is that they have a rare opportunity to start over. With lessons learned from the pandemic, companies can aspire to work models that promote employee well-being and enhance customer value.
Designing the workplace of the future

Every company will need to embark on a holistic, customized journey to win in the years ahead. There is no one-size-fits-all model, but each company can take steps to ensure its functions and infrastructure are ready for the future – starting with the workplace itself, which could evolve into a combination of a central hub and virtual spokes.


An area where workstations and phone rooms are available for individuals and teams.


The way forward

There’s no time to waste. Here’s how companies can prepare for the challenges of the post-pandemic future and gain a competitive advantage. Click here.

The “future of work” is something of a buzzword. Leading companies have long been aware that the way we work doesn’t meet the conditions of the present, let alone the future. The solution? A rethink of organization, talent, customer engagement and, most importantly, leadership.



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