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German companies rely on certain forms of AI

Artificial Intelligence

Image Source: Pixabay

Rule-based systems, process robotics, and machine learning – artificial intelligence (AI) take on many different faces in use. Not all of them are used equally in Germany, according to a Deloitte study. Which AI technologies are companies currently using? What implementation strategies are they pursuing? And where do you see the biggest challenges? In order to get answers to these and other questions, Deloitte surveyed those responsible for AI worldwide for the 2019 AI study, including 100 decision-makers from German companies. It turned out that all variants of AI technology are used in this country – albeit with widely varying degrees of distribution.

Germany is a leader in process robotics

According to the study, the most used variations of artificial intelligence are process robotics and rule-based systems, which are used in 67 per cent of the companies surveyed. In addition, about another 30 per cent want to use them. Germany is even the world leader in process robotics: in the comparable markets (USA, UK, China, France, Canada, Australia), only 49 per cent of companies use this technology.

The implementation of AI projects in the companies surveyed is mainly carried out through the interaction of external specialists and internal resources. Only 15 per cent of the study participants implement AI primarily with in-house forces. Artificial intelligence is mostly purchased: According to the study, 65 per cent of companies use AI “as a service”. In the comparison markets (USA, UK, China, France, Canada, and Australia), only just under half are currently pursuing this approach. In addition, 61 per cent of German companies rely on business software with integrated AI, as offered by the big tech companies.

Holistic company view is missing

So far, artificial intelligence has mainly been implemented at departmental level in Germany, and there is often a lack of a holistic company view of the topic. Only 26 percent of the companies surveyed for the study have a comprehensive, detailed and company-wide AI strategy. Many foreign companies are already further ahead here, and 35 percent have established such a strategy in the comparable markets. In Germany, in 43 percent of the companies surveyed, the departments are pursuing their own strategies for introducing AI, but these are based on company-wide guidelines. In another 27 percent, the departments rely on their own strategies without such specifications. And four percent of companies do not have an AI strategy at all, limiting themselves to ad hoc measures at departmental level or below.

“The AI ​​location Germany is clearly not ‘left behind’,” explains Milan Sallab, Partner and Head of Technology Sector at Deloitte. “German companies have recognized the added value of artificial intelligence for their own products and services, but also for internal processes, and have successfully taken the first steps.”

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