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Startup Breakfast @MAERA 14.12.2022

Network with the startup community at this high-energy breakfast networking format – powered by Web de Cologne e.V. At the Startup Breakfast on December 14, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions, exchange ideas, and make exciting contacts.

Image source: Web De Cologne



Gabriel Keubgen from mia: mia – Smart Factory by App: mia is a platform for manufacturing companies to digitize factories. With our simple solution, we make existing factory data usable and digitize manually collected data via the app. By making information available online, mia helps to solve problems faster and automate communication. Thus, mia is the operating system of the modern factory.


Kalie Cheng of Plastic2Beans: “Plastic2Beans is about two very different things that go together: Plastic recycling and coffee. Their goal is to make the plastics industry in Ethiopia more sustainable. To do this, they bring high-quality plastics recycling technologies and knowledge to Ethiopia. Despite the lack of foreign currency, which makes conventional trade difficult, and the strict banking policy, which makes it almost impossible to transfer funds to Germany, Plastic2Beans has found a creative way to offer recycling technologies and knowledge. They exchange technology, knowledge, and contacts for the best Ethiopian organic specialty coffee.



8:30 Admission

9:00 Welcome Web de Cologne e.V.

9:05 Welcome MAERA

9:10 Introduction Gabriel Keubgen from mia

9:30 Q&A audience

9:45 Introduction Kalie Cheng from Plastic2Beans

10:00 Q&A audience

10:45 Networking & end




Dillenburger Str. 83

51105 Cologne


The event is free of charge after registration via Eventbrite! Register here!

We are looking forward to your participation.


Read the original article here.