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Startup Breakfast @Mediengründerzentrum NRW & SAE on September 28, 2022

Network with the startup community at this high-energy breakfast networking format – powered by Web de Cologne eV and cooperation with the Mediengründerzentrum NRW & SAE Institut Köln and the Female Filmmaker CGN. At the Startup Breakfast, you have the opportunity to ask your questions, exchange ideas and make exciting contacts.


Sabrina von Conzen from STORY HUNTING

STORY JAGD is a company that develops screenplays and fiction formats as well as conceives stories and material for films and series. True to the motto: “Story not Sorry!” The origin of this creative forge is the analogue game studio DACHSHUND GAMES, which creates immersive gaming experiences. The card game “Featherlight” designed there will appear on the international market this autumn.

Loreto Quijada by Lievre Media

Lievre Media develops films and transmedia projects by immigrants and foreign authors with the help of German-Latin American co-productions. In order to tell the unknown stories of migrants, stories are told visually from different multicultural perspectives and multilingual formats are produced. As a production house and consulting center in Cologne, with a focus on foreign productions, Lievre Media supports the creative visions and ideas of international authors who want to produce their own AV projects.

Julia Keller from serial/connect

serial/connect is a recruiting platform that connects producers and authors from the series industry across Europe. With our innovative search mask, producers can search our database and get suggested authors who best fit the project and are available. Our goal is to promote diversity, inclusion and equality in the writers’ room and in the creative process.

Procedure/ program:

8:30 admission

9:00 a.m. Welcome to Web de Cologne eV

9:05 a.m. Welcome Rainer Weiland (Managing Director Media Founders Center NRW)

9:10 Welcome Jeff Kater (Campus Manager SAE Institute Cologne)

9:13 Welcome Jacqueline May (Female Filmmakers Cologne & Sheroes participant)

9:15 Introduction to Julia Keller from serial/connect

9:30 Q&A audience

9:45 Presentation of Loreto Quijada by Lievre Media

10:00 Q&A audience

10:15 Presentation of Sabrina von Conzen from STORY JAGD

10:30 Q&A audience

from 10:45 networking & end


SAE Institute GmbH, Carlswerkstrasse 13c, 51063 Cologne

The event is free after registering via Eventbrite! Register now.
We look forward to your participation.