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Research excursion of the Master students

HS Fresenius offers its Master’s students in the Department of Business and Media the opportunity to participate in excursions abroad. In this way, they can deepen their research during their studies and prepare their final Master’s thesis.

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel, these excursions have so far taken place to New York, San Francisco and Shanghai. When planning the programme, the Dean of Studies always attaches particular importance to covering three different areas:

“We usually visit excellent universities, take a look behind the scenes of internationally operating companies and visit incubators for start-ups,” reports Prof. Geibel.

In the United States, young scientists followed an invitation to Berkeley College and visited the universities of Stanford and Harvard. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where Prof. Geibel himself spent several months for research purposes during his doctorate, the students discussed with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle, Nobel Prize winner for physics.

Highlights of the research trips are the visits to renowned companies such as Google, LinkedIn or IBM. Here the students gain direct insights into product development and corporate culture, so that they can combine what they have learned theoretically at the university with an intensive insight into practice.

“In this way, our demand for an intensive connection between science and business is put into practice in concrete terms,” says Prof. Geibel.